Monday, December 13, 2010


We have lived in the Boise area for 11 years.  I think in that time we have had one maybe two snow days.  They are very rare.  However, on December 1, 2010, there was a snow day.  It was a good one too.  We woke up to 6-8 inches of snow.  It snowed all day, and the temperatures were just right for keeping the snow around and for playing outside. 
I was in costco the middle of November.  I saw they had some snow shovels and we had broke ours last year.  I put one in my cart and when I was in the check out line the guy behind me was making fun of me and telling me we wouldn't need a snow shovel this year.  On December 1, I was doing the laughing as I used our new snow shovel to clear the walk and drive way.  HA...mean Costco man.
Joel had to fly out that morning and had an exciting time driving the ranger on the freeway at 6am.  His plane was delayed, but he finally made it to SLC. 
The kids had a lot of fun in the snow.  Caden shoveled drive ways and he and Josh made a snow fort.  The girls played with the Simpson's and made an igloo.  Of course the snow angels were awesome!  They even got to ride behind the Keller's 4-wheeler on sleds.
Our ski resort Bogus Basin even opened on Thanksgiving.  That hasn't happened for 20 years.
Hurray for snow!! 

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