Sunday, December 26, 2010

Canned Chicken Anyone?

I found some chicken from a company called Zaycon.  They were selling organic chicken breast for 1.48 a lb.  I bought 3 boxes or 120 lbs of chicken. 
The company was delivering the chicken at a pick up point on Boise on a certain day.  I was going to be gone to Disney Land on that certain day.  I asked a friend to pick it up for me and she did along with her order.  She also went through 2 boxes of gross chicken and separated it, trimmed it and put it in freezer bags for me!  Now that's a friend!!
I decided to can the 3rd box.  It was an all day ordeal, and I was a bit nervous to use a pressure cooker.  I remember as a kid canning with my Mother.  We had a pressure cooker with a gage and she would say, "don't let the needle go past this line of the whole house will explode!"
I was freaking out.  Sweating bullets watching that pressure cooker gage. 
We managed to cook all the chicken without incident, and are proud owners of 36 pints of chicken.  It is so Yummy!  It puts the Costco chicken to shame.  It really was super easy to do, just time consuming. 

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