Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July Weekend

The 4th was on a Sunday this year, so there seemed to be a few days of celebration. 
Saturday we got up and drove to the green belt in Boise.  Joel and Caden ran 10 miles, Hailey and I ran 5 miles and Chloe rode her bike.  When Hailey and I were done running, we also rode bikes.  It was so beautiful!  We don't get down there enough and need to do it more often.  It's so nice to be able to run without cars going past you.  The Boise river is very nice, with lots to see and do. 

Coelton had to work all day at Meridan Pool.  They had a big party for the community Saturday night, so we went to embarrass Coelton.  He hates getting his picture taken, so I can't seem to get any good shots of him.  I took this one when he was manning the jump house station.  The girls swam in the pool and Joel and I stretched out on a lounge chair with a magazine. 

Caden has been pet sitting a dog all week.  His name is Sundance and he lives across the street.  He sleeps at his house, but spends the day with us at our house.  I think Chloe took this picture of him.  The kids love getting their "dog fix"  and I like the reminder of why we don't  have a dog:)

On Sunday, after church we took some 4th of July pics with the flags and uncle sam hats, but of course, Coelton was a party pooper.

We also went to the Ball's house and had a BBQ.  It was the perfect day, not too hot and not too cold.  We had all the fixins of a really good 4th of July BBQ.  Yum!

Jeff and Teresa live on a farm.  They have the cutest mule named Kit Kat and a goat who was born on the 4th of July last year, named stripes.  His twin stars was sold.  The girls loved feeding them carrots.

The guys all had a big basketball game and got really sweaty.

Teresa and I rode Tyler's bike to the Garden.  Tyler is their 11 year old who has angelmans syndrome.  He is the best kid, we love Tyler!  Teresa rides in the front and tyler is strapped on the back seat and tries to pedal the back part of the bike. 
They live by the Campbell's house were our garden is, so we rode out there to check the crops. 

When it got dark, we lit some fireworks.  They had some roman candles hiding out in their garage.  They said they had been there for a couple of years.  Hailey is holding one in this picture.  They were a lot of fun. 

When we got home from church we had a mini FHE lesson about why we celebrate the 4th of July and what it is.  Chloe wasn't sure.  We read through the declaration of independance and took a quiz about the constitution and read through some of that.  We are so thankful for our country and the wonder and beauty of it.  We are so grateful to live in Idaho!  From every mountain side let freedom ring!


Shalean said...

What a fun weekend! Love the bike! I've always wanted a two seater:)

tball said...

What a great time! Sorry so slow to see the blog, but we always have a great time w/ you guys!