Grandma passed away April 22, peacefully in her sleep. She had heart failure. She had suffered a few heart attacks and become sick with a bad gall bladder that couldn't be taken out due to her weak heart.
I am so glad that I was able to go and visit her the end of March. That meant a lot to me. I wasn't sure if I would see Grandma again. When we went home to be with mom before she died she couldn't talk very much, if at all. That was hard, those last conversations are so important.
Before I left Grandma I gave her a hug and told her that if I didn't get to see her again to be sure and give Mom and Lori a hug for me and tell them how much I love them. She said she would and I'm sure she did.
Her funeral was very nice. The 13 grand daughters sang a medley of Grandma's favorites;
You are my sunshine, Pinetrees in Heavean and Home on the Range. The ponies and wagon took her to the cemetary, just like they did with Grandpa.
I'm sure it was a wonderous reunion with her and Grandpa. They have been apart for nearly 7 years. Grandma was the last surviving person in her family. I can't even imagine what that reunion was like.
Grandma definetly taught me many good things that I will never forget.
*I will always remmeber Grandma's hats.
*Singing home on the range, just for Grandma.
*Clogging with Grandma and watching her count and say the steps, silently to herself.
*I loved her wink and smile...she was always smiling.
*She was so spunky and very outgoing. She hugged and kissed everyone!
*She got me hooked on ice cream! There was always a huge tub of Farrs vanilla ice cream at her house.
I also loved her homemade hot fudge.
*After clogging practice she would feed us all something in a pot...lima beans with ham?
*Wading/swimming in the yard when Grandpa would flood irrigate.
*Many a pony and wagon ride. Getting the courage to jump off the back and jump back on. Snip and Snap were the cutest ponies. We would always decorate the wagon in patriotic stuff and ride in the 4th of July parade. We would pass out flyers and wear T-shirts to promote her favorite republican candidate.
*swinging on the swing hung from the big tree.
*Snowmobiling Snowmobiling Snowmobiling With a little bit of 3-wheeling.
*"Dressing up" in the basement and putting on a show for the adults.
*Playing in the little roll top desk
*Eating at Granny's Restaurant. "You can have anything you want at Granny's Restaurant". She gave us old checkbooks that we would write in to pay for our food.
*I loved to see the pigs. Grandma would always come with us to peek in the pig pen. She would tell us to be careful with the old sau cause she was mean. The baby pigs were so cute!
*I remember dressing up in the basement and Lori, Rhett and I would sit in chairs in the driveway close to the street and wave at people as they drove by.
*Grandma would always want us to go and gather around the piano and sing.
*She was very strong and could out work anyone.
*I remember going and helping build the fences in the mountains.
*Lance or Clint fell in the little ditch in front of Grandma's house and Rhett jumped in and saved him.
*We would cut wood and hunt worms to sell to pay for our clogging shoes and costumes.
*I loved to jump rope with the big lariat rope in the back yard.
*Grandpa would let us do chores with him. We'd walk out to the barn with him and watch him hook up the milker to the cows. Grandma would poor the milk in huge glass jars and sell the milk to neighbors.
*I loved watching Grandma do the ironing. She had a huge machine with a giant roller that got really hot. She worked a foot pedal and the piece of clothing would go through the roller. I think she even ironed the sheets.
* Grandma set me up on more thann one date with some boy from her ward.
*She loved her country and loved the constitution and stepped up to help get good leaders get elected.
*She and Grandpa would take us to Lagoon quite often.
*Grandma and Grandpa had 2 cadilacs, a pink one and a blue one. They let me drive the blue one to school. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. They also let me drive an old car they had while I planted trees for the forest service; I called it "Savanah" because it looked just like the one on the movie
Savanah smiles. It had a bumper sticker on the back that said "sheep run on grass".
Grandma's clogging shoes
riding the wagon back from the cemetary
Robertson Cousins
Robertson Clan
Big Robertson Clan