Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Penguin Party

Chloe's Kindergarten class had a penguin party.   They learned about penguins and I think she learned a lot.  One day out of the blue she says "Empire Penguins are 6 feet tall, they are as tall as me." 

The kids had to wear black and white and bring a food that was black or white.  We made our favorite "cake mix cookies" rolled in powdered sugar.  Yum!  

I took her to the library and we checked out a book called, Lost Pip.  We also checked out the moved, "Happy Feet."  Chloe took them to school and Mrs. Grayson read the book to the class and they got to watch part of the movie at their party.

1 comment:

Shalean said...

What a cute idea! Doesn't that scream "TEACH PRESCHOOl" to you? ;)