Friday, June 8, 2012

Sister's Get- Away

In March we had our annual sisters get-away.  It's great getting together since we all don't live near eachother.    I was in charge this year and we gathered in Boise and went to the Kelly Clarkston concert.  She was awesome and it was so fun.

 We also went to the movie The Hunger Games. It was great too.

 We always find things to laugh at wherever we are, weather it's the Elks Wound center were those with Elk wounds go or the lady sitting in front of us at the concert.  She fell on the chair when she stepped down on it in high heels.  It was really funny since she was very full of herself.
 We always have a great time shopping and eating great food at PF Changs.  The Dr. Pepper is always plentiful and the good deals at Kohls. 

I am so blessed to have sisters in my life.  4 of them!!  I miss Mom and Lori terribly, and know that they are with us too.   There are always instances when we feel them near or a memory was sparked.
I adore my sisters~


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