Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Missionary Training Center

The day finally arrived.  A day that we had looked forward to with anticipation, fear, curiosity, happiness and sadness.   May 4.

I had enjoyed nearly a month with my boy.  He returned from college April 10.  We had a great time together shopping and getting him ready for his mission.  We ate out a lot and enjoyed many long talks and laughing and singing to the radio.  I will cherish those days.  As the days went by I couldn't believe it had finally came.  The MTC drop off. 

We had heard from many different people how awful it was.  They said you just drop them off and drive away.  It's curb side and these host missionaries just escort them away.  One Mother told me she didn't even get to give her son a hug.  I didn't want it to be like that.  We contemplated the idea of his flying to the MTC from the Boise airport.  At least we could have a more intimate farewell.  But we decided we wanted to experience the whole thing. 

We drove to American Fork on May 3.  We stayed at DaNae and Randy's house.  I am glad we did that instead of staying at a hotel in Provo.  It was nice to take our minds off of things and visit and play with the kids. 
On May 4th, Joel, I and Coelton went to the Timpanogas temple and did a session together.  It was awesome and as I walked into the celestial room, the morning sun was shining in that huge room and it took my breath away.  I walked over to Joel and Coelton and realized that I had him for forever...2 years is so small compared to forever.  I could do this.  I felt peaceful and calm. 
I held their hands and we talked.  This time we spent together is very special to me.

We went back to DaNae's and ate a lovely breakfast and packed up our things and loaded up the car.  Coelton was in his suit and looked like a missionary.  He was glowing.  He said good-bye to DaNae and Collin.  Macey and Randy had all ready left for work and preschool. 

We went to the BYU Creamery (request of Coelton) and got milkshakes.  Yum!  We went to the temple grounds and talked, walked around, took pictures and ate our milkshakes.  We tried to get a picture by the MTC sign but couldn't get in.  We went to a parking lot across the street.  Only cars with missionaries are allowed to park there.  We saw several families there and they were saying their good-bye's as they waited for their assigned time for the "drop  off".  It was tearing my heart out to watch these people so I quickly took Chloe to the rest room.  When we returned it was 12:45...drop off time.  Caden and Coelton were crying and Joel had very watery eyes too.  I gave Coelton a hug and got in the back seat with him.  I held his hand as we drove across the street to the MTC.  I rubbed his back and we cried together.  I told him how much we loved him and how proud we are. 

As we drove into the MTC the attendant asked Coelton if he had turned his cell phone over to his parents.  He said he had.  The attendant told us to drive to #19.  We stopped along the sidewalk at pole #19.  Two missionaries opened our doors and shook our hands.  They helped us get the luggage out of the back of the car.  We each took a turn giving him one last hug.  No one held back the tears and sobs now.  Joel and I gave him one last hug and told him to work hard and be obedient.  He walked away with the 2 missionaries and we watched him until we couldn't see him anymore.  It felt like my heart would break.  We all sobbed until we reached Shopko and we pulled over and used the restroom, Joel changed clothes and we all hugged each other and dried our cheeks and for the most part had a nice calm ride home. 

We love you Elder Coelton Charles Hammer.     Hurrah For Israel!!!

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