Monday, May 30, 2011

The C L O G G I N G season.

Hailey and Chloe enjoyed another great year with Idaho Rhythm.  Chloe clogged on a novice team and didn't compete this year.  She learned 2 dances;" itsy bitsy yellow polka dot bikini"  and  "So bring it on".     Her costume this year was really cute and something she can actually wear!   I hope to see her on a beginner clogging team for the fall. 
Hailey danced on an advanced team again this year and competed her 2 dances which were "Harder Stronger" and "Lean on Me".    Her costumes were better than last year, but nothing she can wear again. 
Hailey is a really good dancer and the instructor told her he thinks she will move up to champion level in the fall.  If this is the case, then Hailey will be on a new team and will have lessons in Nampa. 

NNU Competition- February
I was in Logan during this competition and didn't get to see Hailey compete.  They got a 1 and a 2 on their dances.  Hailey didn't compete solos this year becuase they taught the solo at the beginning of the year and never practiced it again.  She had forgotten it. 

Pocatello Competition- March 13
Hailey and I rode with the Hart's and Nelson's to pocatello.  It was a fun day and nice to chat with Marlene and Shamarie.  Hailey enjoyed the drive with Ashley and Aubrey.  We drove down in the morning and the girls competed in the afternoon.  We drove home late afternoon and was home by evening! 
Hailey's team got 2's on both dances at this competition. 

Nationals at Lagoon- May 15
Because Hailey's team recieved a 1 at their first competition they qualified to go to nationals.  Once again Hailey and I rode with the Hart's to lagoon.  We drove down Friday night and stayed in Layton and the girls competed Saturday morning.  Hailey and Ashley got a ride pass and played the rest of the day while Shamarie and I watched the competition and took a nap on the grass under a nice shade tree.  I had a terrible cold and felt horrible.  We left lagoon at 6pm and arrived home at 11pm. 
Once again they recieved 2's on both dances.  A team of 4 has it rough going up against power teams of 10!

Clog Classic Recital- May 26
Both girls did a smashing job on their dances!  The show has gotten so big they had to do 2 shows this year.  Lucky us...we had a daughter in each show.  We watched Chloe's show at 5 and Hailey's at 7.  It worked out well and we were blown away by the awesome talent!  The girls love being on stage and did a great job! 

                                                           Instructor: Lindsay Cook

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