Monday, May 24, 2010

Nationals at Lagoon

This is our third year going to nationals for the clogging competition.  This year Chloe was able to go as well!  She started clogging lessons in March and did so well she was able to go to lagoon and compete.

Joel and the boys were unable to go this year, so the girls and I rode with the Hart's.  The boys in their family couldn't go either, so Mrs. Hart and her two girls went.  We left Friday morning and arrived at lagoon in time for advanced solos.  Hailey took a 1st place! 

We stayed in Layton at a hotel (Hampton) of course.  We went swimming and then to bed.  We got up early and headed back to lagoon for more competing.  Hailey danced 2 dances; Rapper's Delight and Wierd Science and got 2- second places. 

Chloe danced 2 dances too.  Lolipop and Hoe Down Throw Down.  She got 2 first places!  She practices every day.  She hooks up the camera to the TV and watches her dances that I video taped at class and practices that way.
   Chloe was tall enough this year to ride the big rides.  We went on the spider, collosus, the white roller coaster, mighty mouse, the Bat, and tidal wave (the last row!) a lot. 
Hailey and I went on Wicked.  She rode the rides with her clogging buddies and loved that. 

We stayed and played until 9pm and then hit the road back.  We arrived to a snowy cold Boise at 2 a.m. Sunday morning. 

Chloe and Ella Wilson


Hoe Down Throw Down

Tidal Wave

Hailey's clogging group minus 2


Tailie and Hailey

Ferris Wheel

The Fab Five!


Shalean said...

Nice job girls! Next year we will be there with you! Can't wait!

Looks like your spring has been busy and a lot of fun! My girls can't wait to spend a few days in Boise:)

DaNae said...

So cute! Wish i could have watched. Next year for sure! You're a busy mama right now!! I love reading about it all.