Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hailey's Birthday Celebrations

Hailey turned 12 years old on the 15th of October.  However, her celebrations started about a week earlier.  I scored some $1 corn maze tickets to Linder Farm, but they expired on the 9th, so we decided to have her birthday party on the 7th.  It was a Thursday night, but the good thing was there was no school that day. 
Hailey invited 12 girls.  They consisted on all the 6th grade activity day girls and her clogging team and Brooke and Kylee.   We all met at the corn maze where all the girls went crazy through the maze for about an hour, then we ate donuts and chocolate milk.  We went back in the maze and did a little contest to see which team came back out with the most punches on their map. 

We went back to our house and ate "monster munch" in these really cute Halloween pails I found in the target $ section.  Hailey opened her presents and then we divided into 3 teams and I gave them all a basket full of props/costumes.  They had to come up with a little skit in a certain amount of time and then perform it in front of everyone.   They were so excited and did such a good job, they all wanted to do it again, so we did different teams and different props and did it again!    By that time, the parents came and picked up their girls.  It was a really fun party.

The day before Hailey's birthday, she was supposed to go to clogging lessons.  The Beehive advisor asked me if the beehive class could come over and decorate Hailey's room while she was out, to surprise her.  Hailey was feeling sick and decided to not go to clogging.  We were eating dinner and all the beehives show up at our house!  I hurried and told Hailey to get in the tub.  I dragged her in my room and started the bath while she was getting in I let the girls in and showed them where her room was. 

On Hailey's birthday I got up early and drove to the middle school and decorated her locker and filled it with candy. 

We went to the dollar theater and thought we would finally get to see Toy Story 3, but when we got there we saw that Despicable Me was playing.  Hailey had all ready seen Toy Story at a cousin camp out during the summer, so she chose to see Despicable me.  It was in 3D and was a fun show.  Lots of crude humor, but such a fun story. 

We had pumpkin pie for a birthday cake.  I think Hailey had a great birthday.  There are certainly lots of fun things to look forward to turning 12.  She gets to go to Young Women's and she gets to wear makeup.  Although she only wants to wear mascara, she doesn't even wear that.   I am glad she isn't too excited about it yet, the longer she can remain my little girl, the better.


Shalean said...

Wow! What a great party Hailey! You are such a beautiful girl and a fun cousin to have around!

Can't believe the cousins are 12 now! We should get a picture of them together at Thanksgiving!

Melonie said...

Hailey is such a beautiful young woman. Congrats on having a 12 year old. Enjoy your last year without a teenage daughter! ;)