Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Belly Acres Garden

This year we planted a garden at Belly Acres again.  We scaled down a bit and didn't plant so much.  I thought having a smaller garden would be a lot better to manage and keep weeded.  Ha Ha Ha.

We did really good at first and then when we leave town or miss a week, the entire garden is smothered in weeds!  One day the kids and I were out weeding for 2 hours straight!  We all had blisters, which is great!  Garden's are for teaching kids to work...right?  either that, or for actually seeing how lazy they really are : )

slave driver~ eating the peas while I shout out orders.

We are getting some great produce for our efforts.  A lot of stuff died in the frost that came the day after we planted.  Who would have thought that on May 30th it would freeze.  Note to self...don't ever plant the garden until after Memorial day.  Our pride and joy this year is the watermelon!

It's always a highlight when we eat what we planted and the kids get to see where their food comes from.
We love going out to the garden.  It's so peaceful and quiet.  It makes me feel like I'm on the farm again. 


DaNae said...

Do you make them ride in the back with the goods? Haha!

Awesome! I've always wanted to grow watermelon but never had the cahonies to try.

Looks like an awesome garden! Mine is really slow growing this year. I love the picture of you relaxing... eating a bean? Yelling orders.

Judy Sledheads said...

Wow! Your harvest looks awesome! I planted a watermelon and I have blooms on it just barely, a little too late!!! I'm sure I won't get a melon on before the frost comes. My garden was very slow growing this year, some of our corn is only waist high...sad!