Saturday, September 8, 2012

Donnely and McCall

We had planned to go to a cabin in Donnely with our friends that Bells and Eastman's.  We were going to bring the boat.  The cabin has it's own boatslip right on Lake Cascade.  We were looking forward to it for a long time! 
The Bell's decided that they couldn't go and with Coelton home- he couldn't get in the boat or the water since he was still a missionary. 
We decided to cancel- but we still wanted to "get out of town" really bad.  So we found another cabin that was cheaper in price and smaller.  We went to Donnely and enjoyed spending some time together and just being in the mountains. 
We brought our bikes and went on a bike ride.  Coelton's neck hurt, so we couldn't do too much.  We went on a hike to a lake.  That was really beautiful and a lot of fun. 
We played games and watched TV.  Since we don't have cable TV , getting to watch cool shows is a treat.  We kind of got addicted to SHARK WEEK. 
We went to church in McCall.  Coelton saw one of his mission companion's (Elder Welch) his twin brother.  He is serving in the Boise Idaho mission and was in McCall serving.    That was really cool.
We made some good food and just enjoyed hunckering down and vegging.  We had just found out that coelton did not have cancer- so we were ready to just unwind. 

We went camping in the trailer with Jason and Stephanie's family along with Julie and Hunter and Hannah and Gma and Gpa Hammer! 
We enjoyed one night together as we had just found out Coelton would be coming home and we were very sad- and didn't know exactly what was wrong with him.  So we agreed to go up for a night and try to take our minds off of things for a few hours before we had to pick him up at the airport. 
We went to our traditional place - the McCall RV Resort.


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