Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Caden!

My Caden is now 15 years old.  He's so darn cute and such a fun kid to be around.  I think he had a pretty good day.  I took some cinnamon rolls to the school for him and his freinds at lunch time.  His freind's mom bought him a yummy pita at the pita pit for lunch.  When he got home from school we had dinner together and then wen to the movie.  He has read all of the lightening thief books and has wanted to see the new movie.  So, we went to the Lightening Thief.  It was enjoyable.
When we got home we had birthday cake and realized that all the b-day candles were gone, so we found these bad boys in the cupboard.
Happy Birthday Caden!  We love you!!


LaFam said...

Happy Birthday Caden! I am reading the Lightning Thief books too, I am on the third one. How was the movie? I heard it was nothing like the book.

Melonie said...

I love the improv candles! I think my parents had to do that once or twice (or three times) when I was growing up! :D