Sunday, June 28, 2009

Summer Vacation- Part one

The first day of our summer vacation landed Caden in the Dr's office with several stitches in his arm. He was playing four square in the drive way and dove for the ball and ended up in the road. He is embarrassed to tell everyone that he got stitches playing four square...and not some mean tough thing like football, or shark bite.

Lifeguard on duty
Coelton finished his lifeguard certification and got a job at the local city Pool. He teaches level 1 and level 2. The 3 year olds LOVE him, and at the end of one of his sessions a little girl drew him a big picture that said, "You are the best swim teacher and I love you." He also life guards and on the second day of work he jumped in to save a little girl. When he got her out, he leaned her over his arm to get the water out of her and she threw up all over him. The good thing is it earned him the employee of the week!

Swim Lessons
The girls did a session of swim lessons with their usual teachers Stacy and Kara. They are sisters and teach in their parents backyard pool. Hailey completed level 4 for the second time and Chloe completed level 2. They had a great time being in class with a few of their friends they don't get to see very often.
The summer weather for the month of June has been unseasonably cold. It rained a lot and the temperatures stayed in the 70's for several weeks. Good thing the pool was heated!

Shut up and RUN!
Joel and I ran the Sawtooth Relay with 2 other couples in our ward. Our team name was shut up and run, due to the endless complaining of aches and pains. It is a 62 mile relay from Stanley to Sun Valley. We woke up at 2:45a.m. to make the 3 hour drive to Stanley. Our first runner started at 6:30a.m. We were happy to not have the 3am start time. Each runner on the team runs 2 legs of 5-6 miles. We finished at 3:30pm...for a not so bad 8-1/2 min. per mile average. We were very happy with our times considering the high altitude and the many hills and steep down hills. It was very beautiful, it rained half the day and was bright and sunny the other half of the day. We like to run the races and it keeps us moving, which helps us stay young and healthy so we can chase after the kids. Coelton is a hard one to catch at a 4:48 mile!

Welcome to Belly Acres
Brother Campbell who lives in our ward invited several families to grow a garden on his farm. We jumped at the opportunity. We are the proud owners of a 25x25 piece of land that is now growing rows of corn, cucumbers, potatoes, watermelon, lettuce, carrots, beans, tomatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, cantaloupe and lots of weeds. Brother Campbell irrigates the garden and we weed and take care of it. He put up the big belly acres sign and another one that says, quiet...weeds growing. I never thought I would ever be like my own Mother who told me I wasn't to come back in the house until every last weed in the garden was pulled! I love to see my kids working hard, and seeing the law of the harvest.


Shalean said...

Wow, good job on your relay! I think a relay would be a lot of fun! Love the picture of the garden! Kind of looks like some of the old Judy ancestor pictures:)

LaFam said...

Way to go on the relay, I bet it was a nice run in the beautiful mountains!