Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

I always love waking up on Mother's day and realizing that "Hey, today is mothers day...I get to be pampered a bit today." I use it to my advantage as I watch my family pick up messes, cook dinner and do the dishes.
I always get breakfast in bed, and each of them include a card to me on the cookie sheet with my food.
I sit in bed and read the cards as I eat. It's so fun. This morning we all sat in my room on my bed and floor all morning laughing, talking and wrestling. My heart took a picture. It was a great start to a terrific Mother's day.
My 5 year old came into my room while the rest of the family was getting ready for church. She saw that I was still in my PJ's and said "Mom, since you get to do whatever you want today, are you going to church or not...cause if you stay home I want to stay with you. All's they give you at church is bread and water."
We had a nice talk about the sacrament and that even on Mother's day mommy chooses to go to church.

I miss my own mother a great deal, and hope that she realizes what a wonderful Mother she is. I know that she is watching over us and she is still my mother, even though she is not here physically, I feel her near. Happy Mother's Day Mom!


LaFam said...

Happy Mother's day! You are a great Mom, and sister! We have a great Mom don't we? Love ya! I enjoyed our talk the other day, we should do it more often!

The Wrays said...

I love those Chloe thoughts!

Shalean said...

Wow, you got spoiled! It was well deserved though cause you do such a great job at being a mom! Love the thoughts about mom, she was on my mind all day...hard day to celebrate when she is not here to celebrate with and for. Her example still lives on though!