My memories of Grandma are dear to my heart. Most of them are at the Judy Reunion. I remember making crafts with her and she would tell us stories of when she was a little girl. She would tell us to not pick the wild flowers! I remember going to her house on Sunday afternoons for a visit and we would sit in the living room and I loved to look at her cupboards full of pretty glass and porcelain figures. I remember the entrance to the house was a small mud room and there was a sink with square knobs to turn on the water. That little sink was so neat. She also had pictures of all the grand kids in her den. I loved to go in there and look at all the pictures. She always knew everyone's name. She had like 40 grand kids and who knows how many great grand kids.
The Christmas eve parties at Grandma's are also fond memories I have. I remember she had an old man's head that hung on her wall and when you pulled on his tie he would laugh and spit at you. It scared me.
I remember walking upstairs in Grandma's house on a dare and only seeing what was up there once. My cousins Merrilee and Brenda and myself found some really neat closets in Grandma's basement that we loved to play in...even though we weren't supposed to.
I remember the Easter parties at her house and the cousins would play red rover red rover and British bulldog until the sun went down. We would also crawl along the house and the bushes in the tunnels. That was really run. We always had an Easter egg hunt too. The barns and sheds near the house were fun to explore and wonder around.
Coelton's surgery was scheduled on the day of her funeral so we weren't able to make it. I am sad about that and would have liked to see everyone and say good-bye to Grandma Judy.
I'm so happy for her and know she is with Grandpa and they are together after so long apart.

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