So, Joel has been working SO MUCH lately. His client is very demanding and they are trying to close up a project. He looked at the calendar the other day and said, "I have only spent 4 night at home in the last 30 days." I has shocked. I knew he had been gone a lot but didn't realize that much!
Each year over the first weekend in December I fly to Utah to attend the company Christmas party. At first I was very uncomfortable, but have since gotten to know a lot of the people in the office and their spouses and really enjoy visiting with them and catching up.
This year was no exception. I did fly over a day earlier so I could stay with Joel while he had a conference at the Stein Erickson lodge.

This is a swanky place and is a 5 star resort, the only one in the Northwest I believe. The guys meet you out front and get your luggage and park your car...valet parking I believe it's called:) They take you to your room and show you around. And they like TIPS.
I hate eating at fancy places and trying to pronounce the menu. The food is weird and I always think I must look like a hill billy. We were disappointed when our room didn't have a fireplace, last year he had a fireplace. And I was disappointed when I went to go running and the fitness center was closed due to remodeling. I had a lot of time to burn while Joel was in meetings and was looking forward to burning some calories. But ended up laying around and watching TV, which was nice too.
The next day we left at noon to shop at the Park City outlets. I love these outlets and we were having such a wonderful time we forgot that we both only had 2 small carry-on suit cases and we flew here! So we had to tame it down a bit, but got most of our Christmas shopping done.
They rented a beautiful home in Draper on the hill. We arrived there and helped Vicki the secretary set up and the caterer bring in the food. The party was lovely and we enjoyed it a lot. We snuck away at 10pm to go catch a movie, The Blind Side, which we liked a lot. We stayed at the home in Draper and slept in the next morning until 9:30am. It was so nice!
We drove to a wonderful restaurant called Paradise Bakery in Sandy and ate a nice breakfast and TALKED for like an hour about nothing at all. I felt like I found my best friend again!! We went to Temple square and walked around when it started to snow. It was so beautiful. We flew home a little while later to find that Coelton had done a great job in taking care of everything while we were away.
Friday night he did call and tell us that it was 58 degrees in the house and the kids could see their breath in the air! The furnace had broke. Boise has been setting record low temperatures. -10 degrees and such. We were worried and called our neighbor who fixes furnaces and he went over and had it fixed in no time. He was a tender mercy.
I am so thankful for a faithful husband who works hard to provide for us and always finds time in his busy life to love us too.

Sounds like fun! And that you totally deserved it, and 4 out of 30 nights, you are more tough than me :) Anyways, it was so good to see you guys over Thanksgiving and catch up. It had been way too long!
Wow, sounds like a great trip. I'm looking forward to my first trip away with out the kids since we had Lily! I loved how you said you found your best friend again! I feel the same way. :D
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