I love this time of year. It is my favorite season. We started out the month with General Conference. It was very inspiring for our family and made each of us want to be a little better and try harder. We went to Jason and Stephanies house and ate breakfast with them and watched the first session together.
Family Pictures

The XC team was supposed to run in Bend Oregon on the same day as prom. When the meet was canceled 2 days before homecoming, due to swine flu, coelton hurried and found a date. He took a stuffed animal monkey and some bananas with a poster that said "Sorry I've been monkeying around, but I would go bananas if you would go to homecoming with me." He asked a Junior, she worked with Coelton at Meridian pool. The next day we found peanuts all over our porch with this poster. They all had a great time, and even came over to our house for the chocolate fountain after the dance.

Hailey turns 11
Hailey celebrated her 11th birthday. She had a fun day. Dad went to the school and had lunch with her and played at recess with her and her friends. She also had a pedicure and a manicure. She loves her new coat.

Barber to Boise 10k
Joel and I ran the Barber to Boise 10k. It starts at Barber Park and ended this year on the blue in Bronco Stadium. There were 880 10k runners. Joel's time was 45:21. He was 13th in his age group and 79th over all. His pace was 7:18.
I ran it in 53:13 and was 24th in my age group, 107th over all. My pace was 8:34; which is really great for me. There were over 2,000 runners at the event. They served a fun pancake breakfast afterwards. It was a lot of fun.

We enjoyed going to the pumpkin patch and corn maze at linder Farms for FHE. It was fun to see the animals they have there. The baby camel loved Joel.
I went with Chloe on her kindergarten field trip to Farmstead pumpkin patch. It was VERY cold, but we managed to find a good pumpkin that she and Joel carved that night at the annual Pumpkin carving with Dad event.

Coelton and caden competed at the district xc meet. They did well, and Coelton secured a top 7 spot allowing him to compete at state in couer d' alene.
Joel and I flew to Spokane with his folks and drove over to Couer d' alene. Coelton rode the bus a long 9 hours with the team. After the state meet was all done, the girls team took second behind Boise. The boys team took 4th, behind Boise, Couer d' alene, and Eagle. It was a big upset. The kids did not perform to their potential, and had a rough race, they were tired and some were sick. Our teams have beat all those teams before. Unfortunately, it just wasn't their race. But they still trophied and were recognized.

State just so happened to be on Halloween. It was hard to miss trick or treating with the girls. They stayed at the Johnson's house and had a wonderful time with them. Caden stayed at the Eastman's. Chloe dressed up as Cinderella and Hailey wore her clogging costume from last year and was a 70's girl.

What awesome photos. Way to go at B2B! :D You have such a wonderful family!
What a fun Halloween! Way to go all of you on your running accomplishments! Pretty awesome!
I LOVE your family pics! That first one of Chloe is too cute!! Busy bee! Love the running pic.
That picture of Chloe is so adorable! What a cutey--we love that girl!
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