October of 1998 was a special time for us. We welcomed a new season and a new child. Our first daughter was born into our little family. I remember when she cried for the first time. Her cry was so high pitched, nothing like her brothers. She was ALL girl.
Hailey weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I just stared at her and couldn't believe she was mine. Her daddy was SO proud and loved the "little girl" thing just as much as I did. We dressed Hailey to the nines. She was always decked out in ribbons, bows, lace and ruffles. She was never seen without something in her hair. When she was a toddler she would ask for a "pretty" in her hair. To this day she is very much into fashion and the way she looks.
When Hailey was in kindergarten her Dad wanted her to play baseball, so we signed her up for T-ball. She was not excited, but thought it would be fun to wear a new shirt. When she got her baseball shirt she thought it was ugly and didn't match her pants (I don't think she owned a pair of blue jeans). when she put the baseball glove on she said "eew, do I have to wear this, I hate it." Needless to say baseball season lasted about 2 practices and she was done.
Hailey took ballet and loved it. She danced for 3 years and performed in the nutcracker, 2 times. Once in Pocatello with her studio and once in Boise. She tried out for the professional nut cracker and made the audition and was an angel.
Hailey also performed in Alice and Wonderland and Cinderella.
She saw some cloggers perform and wanted to learn to clog. I jumped at the opportunity and began the search for the right instructor. She is now in her 3rd year of clogging and is on the Advanced competition team at Idaho Rhythm. She loves it and looks forward to dancing at a pro level. She is constantly clogging around the house.
Hailey also plays the piano, and is in her 3rd year of lessons. She loves to make things and is very crafty. She took a year of art lessons and loved that. She made some lovely paintings. She is in the fifth grade and is on the student council as the vice president. She also recently won a poster contest for red ribbon week.
She is a wonderful big sister to Chloe. I often find them playing school together or some other exciting game. Hailey is very sweet to Chloe even though there is 5 years between them.
She loves her big brothers and I love to see them get along. Caden can make Hailey verry angry, but then he can also make her laugh like no one else.
Hailey always asks me if I need help. She helps me cook, clean and what ever it may be that I am doing. She also is a very good student and does her best at school. She is very creative and scored 50 out of 50 points on her practice pace project. Her teacher asked her if she could keep her poster to show her class next year.
Hailey also loves to sing. I often hear her singing in the shower and is always singing a song at the top of her lungs.
She is a wonderful daughter and we are so proud of her and the way she lives her life. She chooses the right and is a good example for her friends and family. We love you Hailey.
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