Sunday, August 22, 2010

Roaring Springs!

Living right next to roaring springs is full of temptations.  The first 2 summer's we lived here we got passes and went all the time.  After that we didn't go at all.  Last year and this year we bought tickets from Sienna Elementary school for $16.  I bought enough so we could all go twice. 
Shalean's family went with us once a couple of years ago and wanted to come again, so they also bought tickets.  We had to use the tickets in August so we planned a weekend and they came over.
They arrived Thursday night and we went to Roaring Springs all day on Friday.  I had been with the girls in June and was so excited to see chloe's head ALMOST touch the 48"bar, which allowed her to go on all the rides.  We decided to take her down Thunder Falls and the Weston's would go on the family ride, when we got to the top and waited in line for a while, they wouldn't let Chloe on the ride because her head didn't TOUCH the board.  We were so mad!  When we came in June they let her ride everything.  We decided to go to the office and have them measure her and give her a wrist band that said she was 48" tall and the lifeguards would leave us alone the rest of the day.  Riley was right about the 42" which allowed her to go on a few of the bigger rides, so we had her measured too.  The girls had to stand in front of a wall that was marked for measuring.  The manager who was measuring them told them to stand up super tall and put their arms out.  Riley made us all laugh as she took this rather seriously, she not only did exactally what he said but held her breath too!  When it was Chloe's turn we tried to get her to stand a tiny tippy toe, and stretch her neck up, but she couldn't get the top of her head to tough the 48" mark.  He tried to let her pass, but wouldn't let it go, so Riley got a 42" wrist band and Chloe got nothin.  We still had fun and made sure everyone had a chance to do the bigger rides.  It was a great day weather wise, not too hot and not too cold.   Hailey and Kayla took off from the beginning and had the entire park mapped out.  I think they did
each ride 2-3 times.
Avalanche!  it's a scary ride~

What's your ugliest swim face?  This is Hailey's

Sadie, Riley and Chloe had a great time in the wave pool and the little kid area.  They also liked the lazy river, and the 2 person ride.  Sadie doesn't like water all that much, but was a real trooper and went on the more scarier rides with her Dad and Shalean. 

There was a little girl Chloe's size, with the same blond hair cut and swim suit running around and we found ourselves chasing after the wrong Chloe!  I hope this is her.


Caden had XC practice Friday morning and had to walk over to the park and meet up with is later.  He was a good sport to come and play with us all when he had no one to hang out with.  The best part was when we were getting ready to leave and one of Coelton's friends, who is the head life guard, asked Caden if he would do a "red cap".  This is a life guard training thing.  He would swim out in the wave pool and put on a red cap, he would then pretend like he is drowning.  If the lifeguard are doing their job they will jump in after him and save him.  Then pull him out and do CPR etc.  He agreed to do it.  (there were some pretty cute life guard chicks on duty)  He was so embarrassed, since so many people thought it was real.  He was a trooper and  did a great job!!


We were missing Coelton, but he once again had to experience those life lessons and work so he can pay that tuition next month.

We were all pretty worn out after spending all day at the park.  We went home and made some home made pizza and then the adults went to a movie.  We saw Salt, which was pretty entertaining.  Of course we all slept in the next day.  We found enough energy to do a little shopping, and since we were at the mall, we ate lunch at the cheese cake factory.  Loved it all, and had a great time with the Weston's!!

1 comment:

Shalean said...

We had a great time! So glad to see that you did't post any "chest" pictures! I need a new swimming suit! If you see one like that gal we stocked then buy me one too:) That would be FANTASTIC!