Table Rock-
The Smart Family invited us to go with them on a hike up Table Rock. To beat the heat and the crowds we left at 6:30am. We drove to Pastry Perfection to get some donuts of course. Fresh baked really really good ones! After our fun hike up and back we ate our perfection and Jenn brought milk! It was perfect. Lots of fun- a great way to start a great day.

I had this really weird dream. It was the 4th of July and we were with our friends who we always spend the 4th of July with . The Bells and Eastman's. We brought all our bikes to the Westside Drive In. We got lots of fatty food and fry sauce with chocolate/peanut butter milk shakes. We stuffed our faces and then rode off on our bikes and went for like what seemed 10 miles to Powell's Sweet Shoppe. On the way Chloe dragged her foot that was wearing a flip flop on the pavement and split her toenail. It was a bloody mess. We walked around the sweet shoppe and bought candy and laughed at the candy cigarett's and all the stuff we loved as kids.
Back on the bikes to ride another 10 miles to Ann Morrison Park to watch the fireworks. On the way Joel's tire tube popped. He ended up walking his bike and I stayed with him to keep him company. The rest of the group rode on without us. Matt rode to the vehicles to get a spare tube we left in the car.
Finally, after about what seemed like 2 hours we met up with the group at the park. Matt was there with the tube and a pump. Joel began pumping up his new tube and all of the sudden the loudest "BANG!!" about ruptured my ear drums. It scared us all half to death. It didn't sound like a firework it sounded like a big gun went off right in your ear. Everyone around us was freaking out too. When I looked at Joel he had a "Deer in the headlights" kind of look. It was so funny.
We watched the fireworks and then Joel hurried out to get a start with walking his bike back to our cars. When the fireworks were all through the rest of us got on our bikes, turned on our headlamps and started over the bridge wtih the million other people. We all made it to the rendevous point and began the trek back to the cars.
I heard a loud scream and a crash- as I got closer I noticed someone had crashed on their bike and was blocking the path. As I get up to the accident I noticed it was Kris Bell! She had flipped over her handle bars when she put her brakes on too hard. She was laying there totally out of it and Daxton her little boy was screaming - he thought his mom was going to die. We got everything out of the way and decided that I would stay behind with Chloe and Daxton and Kris. Shane was allready way ahead and didn't even know Kris had crashed. Everyone went on and we stayed to wait for the cars to come and get us.
Kris laid on a park bench and I checked her over to see if she was bleeding or if anything was broken. She seemed fine and was feeling better so we decided to start walking to meet the guys in the cars at a more convenient location...Joe's Crab Shak.
As we all start swapping stories I find out that Joel had some strange man follow him the whole way back to the cars. Matt and Kim stopped along the way to put water on a tree that was on fire.
It was indeed a strange dream. Funny thing is- it is all true.