However, we also try and install WORK ETHICS in the kids during the summer months, and that can be difficult at times. We are all tired of listening to how Joel had to wake up at 4am to go move his FIRST round of pipe. I grew up on 17 acres, and there was always plenty of work that my parents made me do. Living in a subdivision requires a bit of creativity to find work for the kids to do.
All in all the FUN combined with the WORK has equaled out to be a pretty good Summer so far.
4th of July
We went to Pocatello on the 4th and went to Sadie's baptism. After the baptism we had a picnic and some games at the park.

We then went to American Fork reservoir. Rhett took us out on his boat and Heather's family came along too. We had a lot of fun riding "the atom".

We headed up the interstate to Idaho falls and went to Grandpa's and got ready for the big fire work show. We found a great spot where Justin's family was and enjoyed a fabulous show. 4th of July just isn't complete without ice cream, so after the fireworks we found sonic.

On Sunday we went to Grandpa's ward, then had a marvelous meal that he made for us. We loaded up the car and started our Sunday visits. First stop was Lance's place, then we went to Shelley and visited with Joel's folks, then back to Ammon to visit Grandma Robertson. It was a lovely evening.
Coelton had to work, so we left him at home. He had a GREAT time alone and went to Bishop Simpson's house for dinner on Sunday. We're still unsure how many he had at the house on Saturday night.
On Monday we went to Rexburg and dropped Caden off at BYU-Idaho for EFY. His roommate was Tanner Neilson. He came up from Minnesota. Caden and Tanner were best friends until Tanner moved 2 years ago. Tanner is 6'1...Caden is 5'1. They had a GREAT week and Caden had lots of good experiences.

XC Camp In Sun Valley

Coelton has been looking forward to this camp for a long time. He got to drive the truck and took Parker with him. I snapped this photo just before he left. The camp was 4 days of running several times a day. They also played games, put on skits and had a really great time. There was about 60 kids attend this year.
Coelton will have a great XC season as a senior.

Restless Heart
Joel and I got invited to a Restless Heart concert. It was a lot of fun and was outside in Eagle. Some of their more famous songs are "I'll still be loving you",
"The bluest eyes in Texas" and "When she cries".
We even went up front and danced:) good times!
We have had our boat for 8 or 9 summers now. It is definitely a highlight. The month of June was so cold we didn't get it out until July. We love to go to Lake Lowel the beginning of the summer and then Lucky Peak the rest of it.

Chloe turned 5 this year. Family rule says all 5 year olds must learn to water ski. She got up and fell, then was dragged for a while as she swallowed half the lake because she wouldn't let go of the ROPE!

High Adventure

Joel is over the priests in our ward and Coelton is a priest, so they went to high adventure together, at Lake Cascade. They went rafting down the payette river and waterskiing on lake Cascade and they also hiked. One morning a few of them got up early for a run, of course Joel and Coelton were involved. As they all leaped over a pole fence, the poles gave way when Joel went over and he landed on his face. He ended up breaking his hand. Other than that, they had a really great time!
Judy Reunion
I was in charge this year. We had it at the May Family Ranch which is located midway between Stanley and Challis.

We had a marvelous time...if you don't count the dent in uncle Rhett's truck that he got while taking a wrong road and having to turn around with his huge 5th wheel. And the broken awning we got on our trailer while the wind was blowing. And the stomach flu that a few of the kids got on the last day. I think the good things far out weighed the bad:)
The theme was "Coming Home". I had a friend paint a picture of our house in Ammon where we all grew up. We lived there for 20 years. The house today has been remodeled and looks nothing like the original. At our church meeting on sunday we talked about having no empty chairs in heaven as we all want to be gathered in our chairs just as we were in this house.

The first night we had some awesome skits that everyone came up with using random items assigned to their team.
Aliens in Hawaii

Hypnotist Show

My name is not Bill!

Scary man under the blanket

5-k runner gets chaffing problem fixed. (not his plummer bum)

On Friday we drove to Custer ghost town, an old mining town, and the kids panned for gold. We drove to Red Fish Lake and enjoyed playing in the water and laying on the beach. That night we had our annual family vairety show. Lots of great talent...caden solved the rubiks cube to "eye of the tiger" in 90 seconds. The cloggers performed and we did the cha cha slide. The Weston's made everyone laugh with their balloon head dance, and the little girls sang Taylor Swifts entire 2 verses of "You belong to me".
panning for gold

Red Fish lake

Talent Show

Saturday started bright and early with a 5-k run. A lot of the family has started to run this year (we couldn't be more proud) and we had 23 of us run and one biker (Dad). Dad beat Coelton with his 19 minute time, Nate took 1st in the teens, Hailey took first in the tweens 34:15, and I took first in the women with a 28:10 time. Rick beat Joel by 40 seconds and won for the men. My brother Lance who had only ran one other time did very well with a 24 or 25 minute time.
We all got matching bandanas to wear to identify each family. The Hammer family won for the team division scoring only 6 points!

We had a fun time riding horses and visiting with uncle Clint and Lance. I even saddled and bridled my horse all by myself. Once a cowgirl...always a cowgirl:)Looks like this cowgirl is having a hard time seeing out of her HAT!

We went rafting later that afternoon and had a really fun time together. We had 2 full rafts and enjoyed the beautiful scenery and laughing!(mostly at Joel) We stopped along the route and watched my brother and teenage boys clif jump.

The water slide at the ranch was a huge hit and the kids were on it non stop. Adults liked it too!

This is the newest addition to the family. Gus. He is my brother's dog. He's a miniature poodle and a Yorkie mix. What fun we have with Gus! We can't leave out Lucy. She's my other brother's dog, and a well behaved one at that. (except when she got my horse all riled up).

Cousins are the best and these kids LOVE thier cousins.
The oldest 5 are Coelton (senior) Nate (Junior) Ashley (sophomore) Caden (Freshman) Casslyn (8th grade)

The next group are our "sextuplets" all born in 1998. They are 10-11 years old.

This group of cousins is our 7-9 year olds.

These kids are all 4-6 years old.

Here are the toddlers ages 2-3

And last of all are the babies Miley and collin.

Saturday night we found our way to some hot pots in the river. It was a beautiful night and there were so many stars!! We were having a delightful time until poor Lexi puked all over uncle Clint and Grandpa...that ruined the moment since we all didn't know what we were sitting in anymore. But we had a good time while it lasted.

Pool Parties
We were able to go to Roaring springs this year since I bought 6 tickets from the elementary school at a discount. Caden, Hailey, Chloe and I got there at 11am when it opened and we stayed until 6:30p.m. I drove back at 8pm when it closed to pick up Hailey who wanted to stay longer.
We also went to a back yard pool party with our friends the Johnson's.

20 Year class Reunion
Class of 89 celebrated 20 years since high school graduation. We drove over to Idaho falls on Friday the 31st and went to my brother, Rhett's house. His wife claudine graduated with me from Bonneville High School. We quickly got ready and drove to the school where the reunion was. We had dinner and played some games and listened to some 80's music. It was fun to visit with everyone. There were so many people that I had not seen for 20 years.
claudine and I in front of the school.
Ammon 7th ward homies. Derk kapp, Brandi Bell, Me, Cory Brower