Hailey's clogging team made it to nationals this year. It is the largest clogging competition in the world. Her team danced 2 dances; mary mack and disco remix, each dance took 3rd place. She also competed in a solo and took a 1st place! Of course, we all love it when they get to go to nationals because that means we get to play all day at Lagoon! We arrived on a friday night and stayed in a "daddy travels so much we get FREE hotels." We went home on a Sunday. It was a great weekend.

Memorial Day Weekend
We never go camping over memorial day weekend. Too many people, and we hate crowds. But as I looked at our summer weekends, there wasn't any free ones, so I booked a camping trip over memorial day.
We took our trailer to Baumgartner campground. It Is a beautiful place outside of Featherville on the beginning of the Boise River. We read a book together! I grabbed Peppertide from my bookshelf and started to read it to the kids on the 2 hour drive to the campground. We were all hooked and ended up reading the book each night before bed and a little during the day as we laid around the trailer. We finished it on our last day there.
We also hiked a lot and wished we had some 4-wheelers as we watched all the other campers ride the beautiful trails. But we didn't let that get us down...we unloaded our running shoes and filled them up with our feet and took off for a 4 mile run! Chloe brought her bike and we all took off together down the road, even Hailey and Caden. Needless to say some made it 4 miles and some didn't.
We also got up early one morning and soaked in the natural hotsprings there. It was lovely.
We played Uno each night and that was a blast. The best part was being together and watching Coelton go through texting withdrawl. Although it was very amusing at 2am when Hailey woke us up looking for the "camping glasses". We realized that she was half asleep looking for the flashlight!

Look who learned how to ride a 2-wheeler
We took off her training wheels and she took right off!

Preschool Graduation
All the kids wore their preschool t-shirts that Mrs. Hart made for them and their adorable caps. Chloe learned a lot this year and is very ready for Kindergarten.

Look who's 40!
We had a lot of fun celebrating Joel's birthday. On his birthday I hung a big banner outside. The girls wrote a scavenger hunt for Joel to find all his gifts. Hailey especially spent a lot of time writing it and making sure it all rhymed. The girls also made Joel a shirt that said "I'm 40". He walked around with a inflatable cane that said he could hit anyone who teased him about his age. He took full advantage of that. The boys blind folded him and put him in the truck and took him to Fast Lanes where some of coelton's friends met them. They all rode the race cars and had a great time.
The next night I took Joel to Fudruckers, where a few friends were waiting to surprise him. We then took in a movie and smoothie afterwards. Great fun!