Coelton is our oldest. Our experiment child. (poor thing). He came rather unexpectadly 17 years ago. Joel and I hadn't even celebrated our one year anniversary! Although it wasn't the path we would have chosen, someone who knew better gave us the greatest gift.
Joel and I were both enrolled at ISU in Pocatello. However, finding out about our pregnancy in July, by the time school started I was EXTREMEMLY sick and would often joke that there was no way a baby could be inside me...I had thrown up everything inside of me! We realized that I could not go to school and decided that I would work to put Joel through school. I taught clogging lessons and worked at Huntsman's grocery store in Shelley were we lived. I was a checker, and found myself running very fast to the bathroom each time someone bought that awful chicken from the deli.
Coelton was born March 18, 1992 at 4am, during a snow storm. He cried a lot as a baby. He had colic, and would start crying about 8pm and didn't stop until about 10pm. We tried everything and finally realized that turning on the vaccum did the trick. He hated the pacifier and did not breast feed well. He soon became a "bottle baby" and we were all much happier.
Coelton was a very inquisitive little boy. He talked non stop and had a million questions. He also has a tender heart and cares deeply for animals and all creepy crawly things.
He LOVES sports and at age 4 did Tae Kwon Do. He broke a wooden board with his heel and advanced a belt. He also played baseball starting at age 5. Seven years later his team won the championship in triple A.I remember him at age 5 coming to the plate to hit he ball on the T. He would beat the bat on the plate several times before he would hit the ball. His coach called him "The Beast". He played basketball and this sport became a quick favorite. He also played 4 years of optimist football and 2 years of school football. He loves BYU football and places his bets each year for the NCAA BB tournaments. One year he won over $100 because his bracket was the most correct. Coelton has been able to attend 2 NCAA tournaments.
After his Freshman year he discovered Cross Country and has been hooked ever since, in fact today he and his Dad ran 10 miles along the green belt. He runs track too, and this year he runs the mile and last night he did his all time best at 4:55. I get emotional each time I watch him cross the finish line. He puts everything he has into it.
He has learned to snowboard with his Dad and little brother. Togther they go to Bogus Basin several times during the winter months.
Coelton cracks me up, he is very superstitious. He always wears the same lucky, socks, or shorts, or shirt because he did particularly well at something he was doing while wearing them. He tries to re-trace his steps of what he did before winning, so he will win again.
When he was in the 2nd grade we told him that if he got 100% on every spelling test the entire school year we would buy him a new game for his gameboy. He did it...100%on EVERY test!
He has read each New Era magazine cover to cover, and is often found laying in his bed reading his scriptures or For Strength of Youth pamphlet.
He achieved his Eagle scout rank at age 14, and has set a good example for his friends and little brother to follow in scouting.
Coelton is a good student and will be successful with whatever he chooses to do. He also is a good friend and is very loyal and fun to be around. He has a great sense of humor and a contagious laugh. He has been a great teenager! He always wants to do what is right and is a good example to everyone. He will be a hard working missionary.
He works after school 2-3 days a week at Chem Dry and cleans the office and vans and washes pads and towels. He has worked there for over a year now and has proven to be reliable hard worker.
We are very grateful for Coelton and the fine young man he has become. He is a huge strenghth to our family and we love him very much.