On the 7th day of christmas we played some fun games (more for Chloe). Grandpa was here and he played with us too. We played the Snowman Game and Don't eat Santa. We also got a new game called Ticket to Ride. But we didn't get to play it due to the BYU football game. The Cable company took ESPN off our plan just before the game. So we found another house to go and watch it at:) Unfortunately BYU lost:(
On the 8th day of Christmas we went caroling with some other families. We went to about 6 homes and sang some fun songs to them. We also left them with treats. There was a lot of snow and that make for some snowball fights and "face washing" along the way. We all met up after caroling and had cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate.
On the 9th day of Christmas we baked yummy goodies for friends and neighbors. Wow, was that a lot of work. I started the baking at 2pm. We had several recipes we made. Poppy seed bread, kisses melted on pretzels with an m&m on top, Rod pretzels dipped in chocolate and rolled in heath bar bits, peanutbutter cookes with kisses on them, and carmels! We all worked in the kitchen for a good 2 hours while we watched Horton Hears a Who. The younger kids wrapped carmels in wax paper and the older kids made the pretzel recipes. We assembled it all together and went out to deliver all 15 creations. The kids put their santa hats on and were actually really hyper and acted silly the entire time.
On the 10th day of Christmas we took a day off and rested. Actually we went to our friends house and watched the BSU vs. TCU football game. And we were so happy that TCU beat BSU by one point. GO MOUNTAIN WEST!!
On the 11th day of Christmas we had a busy day! We went Tubing at Bogus. It was snowing and blowing and very cold, but we had a great time!
We had our annual pajama hunt that evening. We hide everyone's pajamas and they have to find their own. This year after the kids found their pj's they hid ours and had us find them. After everyone was sporting their new pj's we had our little nativity play and enjoyed reading some Christmas stories together.
On the 12th day of Christmas we went to the movies. We decided to see Marly and Me. It was long and boring for Chloe. I was very embarrassed by the sexual content. It was a PG movie that should have been PG-13. This is definetly a rental.
All in all the 12 days of Christmas was a fun tradition that I hope to incorporate into our Christmas every year. With some fine tuning, it will get better every year. It definetly brought us together and created fun memories. Our christmas season was more meaningful and we loved that it was allready planned.